2010年5月24日 星期一

星期日泰晤士报 : “新发现:让你活到100岁的基因”

新发现:让你活到100岁的基因”  星期日泰晤士报  2010516

科学家最新研究发现一种名为玛士撒拉基因(Methuselah genes)可以使体内拥有这种基因的人活过100岁的几率大大提高,即便是你一直过的是不健康的生活也不会受到任何影响。 这种玛士撒拉长寿基因不但可以帮助长寿老人抵御不良习惯对身体造成的伤害,而且还可以有效抵御老年疾病,如癌症,心脏病等玛士撒拉基因可以让这些老年疾病的发病时间延缓30年左右。另外,科学家通过研究发现,玛士撒拉长寿基因不是一个单个的基因,而是一组基因的组合。这种玛士撒拉基因非常罕见,即使在百岁老人群体中,拥有这种长寿基因的老人比率也仅仅占到万分之一而已。

研究表明目前所找到的特别基因,每个都可以对老化相关的疾病提供一些额外的保护作用。 而长寿者的DNA中会包含多个这样的基因的机会高于常人。这项研究结果是由荷兰莱顿大学(Leiden University)的埃利纳·斯莱格博姆(Eline Slagboom)及其带领的研究小组通过对3,500余名百岁左右老人及其长辈基因的研究后发现的。最近,埃利纳将这项研究成果以论文的形式公开发表,并在论文中提及到带有玛士撒拉长寿基因的老人和普通老人的不同身体特征。埃利纳声称:带有玛士撒拉长寿基因的老年人,其身体特征中对脂肪和糖类的降解能力和其他老人不同。而且带有玛士撒拉长寿基因的老年人皮肤老化的速度非常慢,心脏疾病、糖尿病、高血压的发病几率非常小

玛士撒拉(Methuselah)是《圣经.创世记》中的神话人物, 据传享年965岁。为此,埃利纳及其研究团队将这种长寿基因命名为玛士撒拉基因。通过研究,埃利纳发现玛士撒拉基因中含有脂联素基因(ADIPOQ gene)成分。这种ADIPOQ基因非常普遍,在普通年轻人人群中有10%的年轻人拥有ADIPOQ基因,而在超过100岁老年人人群中,约有30%的老年人拥有ADIPOQ基因。 在普通年轻人人群中有10%的年轻人拥有胆固醇酯转运蛋白基因(CETP gene)和阿朴脂蛋白C3基因(ApoC3 gene),而在百岁老人中的超过20%

其中的一些基因是艾伯特爱因斯坦医学院的Nir Barzilai教授所领导的科研小组, 在通过对500 多个百岁老人和他们的后代的基因分析获得的。研究显示,细微调节特定基因可以大幅度增加人的寿命 不过,环境因素如减少感染性疾病发生仍是百岁老人的数量稳步上升的重要因素。 人类染色体组包含大约 28000 基因,但他们是由少数的“调节基因”控制的Barzilai 博士皇家学会会议上指出,它这种基因的发现让科学家能在药品开发时有明确的目标,使开发而成的产品能阻止或延缓发病与年龄有关的疾病的进攻、 可能延长人们的生命和健康生活的时间。

英国伦敦大学的研究人类抗衰老的专家大卫.吉姆斯(David Gems)相信,在不久的未来以减缓老化为目的的治疗将会被广泛使用。他说:如果我们知道哪些基因可以控制长寿,就可以找到他们所产生的蛋白质,然后用靶向药物加以调节,这将使减缓老化成为可能。在此之后老化将被我们重新定义为一种疾病,而不是一个良性的、 自然的过程," "很多的病痛和疾苦是由人体老化所导致的。 如果我们能够找到一种方法来减少其发生,我们就有责任让它为更多人造福。  


Age UK的米歇尔·米切尔说:"老化是一个自然生活的一部分。 关键是我们不仅要延长寿命,更要延长健康的生命,这样的人们可以享受人生,而不是在忍耐中度过他们的晚年"

From The Sunday Times - May 16, 2010
Found: genes that let you live to 100
Jonathan Leake, Environment Editor

SCIENTISTS have discovered the “Methuselah” genes whose lucky carriers have a much improved chance of living to 100 even if they indulge in an unhealthy lifestyle.
The genes appear to protect people against the effects of smoking and bad diet and can also delay the onset of age-related illnesses such as cancer and heart disease by up to three decades.
No single gene is a guaranteed fountain of youth. Instead, the secret of longevity probably lies in having the right “suite” of genes, according to new studies of centenarians and their families. Such combinations are extremely rare — only one person in 10,000 reaches the age of 100.
The genes found so far each appear to give a little extra protection against the diseases of old age. Centenarians appear to have a high chance of having several such genes embedded in their DNA.
“Long-lived people do not have fewer disease genes or ageing genes,” said Eline Slagboom of Leiden University, who is leading a study into 3,500 Dutch nonagenarians. “Instead they have other genes that stop those disease genes from being switched on. Longevity is strongly genetic and inherited.”
Slagboom and her colleagues recently published studies showing how the physiology of people in long-lived families differs from normal people. Other studies, showing the genetic causes of those differences, are due for publication soon.
“People who live to a great age metabolise fats and glucose differently, their skin ages more slowly and they have lower prevalence of heart disease, diabetes and hypertension,” she said.
“These factors are all under strong genetic control, so we see the same features in the children of very old people.”
The so-called Methuselah genes — named after the biblical patriarch who lived to 969 — are thought to include ADIPOQ, which is found in about 10% of young people but in nearly 30% of people living past 100. The CETP gene and the ApoC3 gene are found in 10% of young people, but in about 20% of centenarians.
Some of those genes were discovered by a research group at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, led by Prof Nir Barzilai, following an analysis of the genes of over 500 centenarians and their offspring.
The studies show that tiny mutations in the make-up of particular genes can sharply increase a person’s lifespan. Nonetheless, environmental factors such as the decline in infectious diseases are an important factor in the steady rise in the number of centenarians. The human genome contains about 28,000 genes, but they are controlled by a tiny number of so-called regulator genes.
Dr Barzilai told a Royal Society conference that the discovery of such genes gave scientists clear targets for developing drugs that could prevent or delay the onset of age-related diseases, potentially lengthening people's lives and keeping them healthier for longer.
Dr David Gems, a longevity researcher at University College London, believes that treatments to slow ageing will become widespread.
“If we know which genes control longevity then we can find out what proteins they make and then target them with drugs. That makes it possible to slow down ageing. We need to reclassify it as a disease rather than as a benign, natural process,” he said.
“Much of the pain and suffering in the world are caused by ageing. If we can find a way to reduce that, then we are morally obliged to take it.”
An anti-ageing drug which might be taken by millions of people, perhaps from middle age onwards, could be the ultimate blockbuster for the pharmaceutical industry.
Michelle Mitchell of Age UK said: “Ageing is a natural part of life. The key is to ensure that we do not simply extend life but extend the years of healthy life so that people can enjoy, not endure, their later years.”
20100518 来源:新华网 作者:新华









